Hi, y’all!
This week I had the opportunity to team up with fellow entrepreneur and boss babe Kay Flucas-Hillman. We had an absolute blast and got into a little mischief, too. Kay is a photographer, blogger, influencer, and social media manager, just to name a few of the hats she wears. This week I want to share a few of the habits that most successful boss babes incorporate into their lives for ultimate work/life balance!
1 – Batch, batch, batch your content. Kay taught me this and I must admit it can be a little tough, and I am not always able to do it. However, batching is sooo very helpful. This includes any and everything from blogs to photos, and any sort of content creation. Check out Kay’s fabulous 90 Day Content Calendar.
2 – Create a schedule and stick to it. Decide what days you will do what, and the days you will focus on specific tasks. This allows you to ensure that you consistently complete most items on your to-do list and that important tasks are not left undone.
3 – Wake up early. My goal is to be up by 6 a.m., daily. I don’t always reach this goal but I am always out of bed before 8 a.m. This gives me a good two or three hours to get a good amount of work done before I start getting calls and client requests. The way I eventually accomplished waking up early was by incrementally getting up earlier and earlier. Take it from someone who frequently slept in! This tactic works.
4 – Re-frame your mindset – make sure you’re thinking like a boss. This is key! Make sure that you are successful mentally by thinking positively and keeping your eye on the prize. I know you’ve heard it 1,000 times but we really are our own worst enemies at times. Don’t let that be you! Think to yourself that nothing will get in the way of your success and keep that in mind when navigating any obstacle that even attempts to get in your way. This has been one of the most important habits for me!
5 – Have a killer morning routine. Trust me, this will set you up for success! Make your bed, do a quick 45-minute morning workout, say thanks for all the awesomeness in your life. This can make such a huge difference!
6 – Reduce your social media usage. Social media can be the best and the WORST. For those of us that spend a lot of time on social media it can really waste time that could be better used building the life of our dreams. This is also a huge contributing factor when it comes to procrastination.
7 – Eliminate clutter. This is one of my faves because I am great at this! I love a good purge. I am a minimalist and DESPISE junk and clutter. Therefore I’ve found that it frees up mental space for me to have a clean and tidy space and allows me to focus on my business and goals.
Any habits you have that foster success and help you to be your best boss babe? Drop me a note in the comments to let me know!
Morgan K.